Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Prepare for the Wolf Man: Wolfman from Universal Pictures Classic Movie Monsters by Imperial Toy Corporation


   Prepare for the Wolf Man? Well, the 2025 Wolf Man film has been released and I had the chance to go and watch it with my dad on Friday, January 17th. My wife and I originally planned on taking my daughter and a friend of hers to a showing of the film on Friday evening but Thursday night I learned the movie was rated R. I actually had missed that and really thought it was PG-13. It turns out that it was a very mild R (honestly not sure why it wasn't PG-13) and I'll probably take her another time, but  by that point we'd already made alternate plans and took her and her friend to see Sonic the Hedgehog 3. That was excellent, by the way, and as someone who grew up with Jim Carrey being such a big deal it was definitely his film. It was fun, charming, and I loved it. The Wolf Man? Eh...it was OK. Leigh Whannell's The Invisible Man was excellent and I thought it managed to do a lot with it's premise, plus Elizabeth Moss was excellent. Wolf Man tried. It's a decent movie with some cool new ideas, though it doesn't realize it's full potential and some of the decisions to "ground" the film really end up defanging it. I'll probably end up writing a review of the film at the end of the month but today's focus isn't on the film Wolf Man at all; It's actually on the 1986 Wolfman toy from the Imperial Toy Corporation's Universal Pictures Classic Movie Monsters toyline. 

   This (along with a couple of the other Universal Pictures Classic Movie Monsters) are currently the oldest Universal Monsters items in my collection. I don't want to say that 1986 is that old (I turned two in 1986), but it is close to 40 years old. Of course, the 1941 Lon Chaney Jr. film is 84 years old, so the distance between the original film and this toy is comparable between the distance between this toy and now. Crazy, right? I'm planning to start getting into some of the Remco Universal Monsters at some point soon, but these were much easier to acquire. And much less expensive. I haven't had these since childhood but only acquired them last year. Ready to take a look at Imperial's Wolfman? And, yes, they called him Wolfman with no space between Wolf and Man. Let's see how he howls after the break...

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Wrapping Up 2024: Rip Cord (Night Force) from G.I. Joe: Classified Series by Hasbro

   Here comes the third team member of the Haslab Dragonfly crew: Rip Cord in his Night Force gear. Rip Cord was the first tier/ stretch goal figure unlocked (at 13,000 orders) and, since he's decked out in his Night Force gear and was part of the 1984 series, we'll likely see a standard version (or Retro version) at some point in the near future. While Rip Cord isn't one of the A-list Joes like Snake Eyes, Duke, Roadblock, Scarlett, Flint, or Barbecue, he definitely has some recognizability due to appearing in one of the most popular years of the vintage line, appearing in the Sunbow animated series, having a pretty well remembered storyline (when he date Candy Appel, A.K.A. Bongo the Balloon Bear, and goes on a solo mission to rescue her from Cobra Island), and appearing in 2009's G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra where he was played by Marlon Wayans. Rip Cord / Wallace Weems is an interesting character as he has all of those accomplishments and appearances and yet he only received one vintage figure and seems to often be confused with other characters, or intentionally renamed. Also, sometimes his name is written as Ripcord with no space, while other times he's Rip Cord (with a space). Has Rip Cord received any action figures since the vintage line? 

   Yes, has. In 2003, as part of the G.I. Joe Vs. Cobra: Spy Troops, there was also a figure that was named HALO Jumper, Ripcord's MOS, with the file name Wallace Weems. The name was changed during the run, however, and the figure became Sgt. Airborne instead, now with Airborne's classic name of Franklin Talltree. Airborne wasn't a HALO Jumper but a helicopter assault trooper. In 2009 as part of the 25th Anniversary Collection,  Airborne was released in the Assault on Cobra Island set....just kidding, no he wasn't. It looked like Airborne but the figure was named Spc. Altitude and given the file card name Phillip Arndt, like the Sky Patrol Altitude figure with the file name of Freefall. Who the heck was this guy supposed to be anyway? That same year there were four Rip Cord figures released as part of the Rise of Cobra line, all called Wallace "Ripcord" Weems and based on Marlon Wayans' likeness. None were outfitted as paratroopers/ HALO Jumpers, though they were pretty cool, especially the one outfitted in full camo. Lastly there was a Ripcord figure in 2011 based on the short lived G.I. Joe: Renegades who did have paratrooper gear and favored the Marlon Wayans take on the character over any other previous versions. While he wasn't part of the vintage Night Force subset, a Night Force Rip Cord did come out as a 1/18th scaled figure with the Haslab Skystriker a couple years back (2022), which seems to be what this figure is based on. Why'd I spend all that time on this? I just find it interesting. Thanks for sticking around! Let's dive in to the main review after the break...

Monday, January 13, 2025

Wrapping Up 2024: Frankenstein from Toony Terrors by NECA


   I picked up the entire series of the Universal Monsters Toony Terrors and I'm making my way through them, following up the Wolf Man with Frankenstein. Or Frankenstein's monster. Or just the Monster or the Creature. I received two of the Toony Terrors as Christmas gifts from my parents, Frankenstein and the Mummy, so it was a very Karloff Christmas at my house. Ready for an animated take on the classic First Monster of cinema? Then join me after the break...

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Prepare for the Wolf Man: The Wolf Man from Toony Terrors by NECA


   We're less than a week from the opening of the new film Wolf Man, a reimagining of the classic character. From everything I've seen (I've been trying to stay very spoiler free) we are definitely in for a different take on the story rather than a remake of the 1941 Lon Chaney Jr. film. I'm actually really excited for the movie and, to help find an outlet for that excitement, I'm reviewing a few different Wolf Man figures throughout January. While the Crypt Club 4-pack and this Toony Terrors version of the Wolf Man are new releases (though both from the very end of 2024), I've got some older stuff that will be showing up, too. NECA's Toony Terrors are a fun range of figures that I really cherry pick. I don't buy or like all of the characters or films they draw from, but I've found most of the ones I've picked up to be real winners. I received the Mummy and Frankenstein for Christmas but last weekend I was at a large mall that had an FYE and found Dracula and the Wolf Man. Let me tell you, I have no idea what FYE's business model is or what they're smoking but these guys were priced at $22.99. That's really high! Fortunately they were having a buy one, get one half off sale, so I ended up paying around retail price and had the opportunity to select from multiple figures for the best paintjob. They had a lot of figures in stock, but FYE was charging $40 bucks for a standard Star Wars: Black Series, Marvel Legends, or Jada Street Fighter figure. Insane. I'm not sure what their marketing strategy is as they have a massive clearance section of unsold figures, some cheaper and some more. Anyways, I just wanted to complain, even though it worked out to standard retail for the two Toony Terrors I received. Let's run with the Wolf Man after the break...

Friday, January 10, 2025

Wrapping Up 2024: Jane "Glenda" Mullighan from G.I. Joe: Classified Series by Hasbro


   It's time for another figure from the Dragonfly crew and this time it's Jane "Glenda" Mullighan. Glenda is an interesting figure as she's another character based on a vintage international variant figure. Glenda was originally part of Plastirama's G.I. Joe: Comandos Heroicos from Argentina and was a repaint of Scarlett. Glenda was blonde instead of a redhead and sported a blue and white jumpsuit with a vac-metallized torso. She's similar to Quarrel, another international vintage repaint of Scarlett (who was part of Palitoys' Action Force line. Glenda is a really nice inclusion with the Dragonfly as she's always been a helicopter pilot. Hasbro didn't just repaint Scarlett here, either; Glenda has lots of unique gear, accessories, and a new portrait with three different hairpieces. She's an impressive figure! I do like these international variants, especially when Hasbro really puts time and effort into them. Glenda was the second stretch goal in the Dragonfly campaign (unlocked at 16,000 backers) and is the figure from the Dragonfly least likely to see a re-release. Ready to check out Glenda? Then join me after the break...

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Wrapping Up 2024: Wong & Bats and Doctor Strange from Marvel Legends Series: Doctor Strange by Hasbro


   As I'm wrapping up 2025 I'm going to be reviewing a few cool things that I received for Christmas from my family. My wife surprised me on Christmas Eve (everyone always gets to open two gifts each) with the Amazon exclusive Marvel Legends Series set of Wong, Bats, and Doctor Strange. While I haven't been buying much outside of X-Men and related mutant releases lately, I'm always still down for what seems to be the best of Hasbro's new stuff and this set was definitely on my radar. Probably on my Amazon wish list, too. :) Hasbro put out some excellent releases this year and this one really appealed to me. I love Doctor Strange and I've long wanted a comic accurate Wong figure. The movie version was a pretty good figure and I love Benedict Wong as Wong, but I tend to prefer the comic inspired versions best. It really is pretty wild that it's taken Wong over twenty years to get a Marvel Legends figure not from the films. He's a pretty prominent character. Also, I wasn't familiar with Bats until this release, but a ghost Basset Hound? I'm all for that. I've lost two of my boys over the years and I'd love them to accompany me as spectral sidekicks. A new comic Doctor Strange, the first ever comic Wong, and Bats the ghost dog? This set really sells itself! Let's check it out after the break...

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Wrapping Up 2024: David "Crazylegs" Thomas (Night Force) from G.I. Joe: Classified Series by Hasbro


   Since I'm wrapping up the figures from 2025 that I received over the past month or so, it's time to start looking at some more G.I. Joe: Classified Series figures. Today I'm very excited to be checking out one of the stretch goals from the HasLab Dragonfly (XH-1): David "Crazylegs" Thomas in his Night Force gear. While we're almost guaranteed to get a standard Crazylegs figure at some point soon wearing his classic red and grey outfit (likely just a repaint of this figure), I was really excited for this guy as I love Night Force (in the Classified Series it might be eclipsing Tiger Force for me) and Crazylegs is the only one of the four Dragonfly figures that I had as a kid. Well, I had the original, not the Night Force repaint. Still, I've always liked the figure. Back in the day you could even send crush a Crazylegs Valentine! Crazylegs hasn't had many figures over the years (just the two from the vintage line, a Pursuit of Cobra update in 2011, and a Night Force parachute drop convention figure in 2014). Maybe that's just because he's not the most popular guy or doesn't stand out that much, but it could also be because he was one of the Joes who was actually killed in the Marvel series. Crazylegs was killed by a Cobra Maggot alongside Breaker and Quick-Kick. Bummer. It's nice to know that all those guys are still alive in the Classified Series, though, as Crazylegs still has plenty of missions ahead of him. Let's check him out after the break...