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Monday, March 3, 2025
Action Figure Review: Panthor from Masterverse: Masters of the Universe New Eternia by Mattel
Friday, February 28, 2025
Action Figure Review: S.A.W.-Viper (Semi-Automatic Weapon) from G.I. Joe: Classified Series by Hasbro
It's time for another G.I. Joe: Classified Series review and this time we get another Cobra trooper: The S.A.W.-Viper (Semi-Automatic Weapon). A 1990 original, the S.A.W.-Viper is infamous for both the massive weapon included with the figure (it was at least as long as the figure is tall) and because of its connection to the S.A.W.-Viper named Robert Skelton, a S.A.W.-Viper from the Marvel Comics series who executed Doc, Thunder, Crankcase, and Heavy Metal (and later became the character Overkill). The S.A.W.-Viper is overall quite nicely updated here, though Hasbro has retained the mistake of the vintage line in asserting that S.A.W. stands for "Semi-Automatic Weapon" instead of "Squad Automatic Weapon." Unless referring to the fact that this guy comes with an autoloader, or automatic, pistol, this was surely a goof as he clearly is using a light machine gun of some sort (or maybe a medium or general purpose machine gun), which would be classified as a Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW). Semantics aside, this guy is pretty cool though I do have a few issues. Ready to check him out? Then join me after the break...
Thursday, February 27, 2025
Action Figure Review: Princess Leia Organa (A New Hope) from Star Wars: The Black Series Phase IV by Hasbro
Just last week I reviewed the new Star Wars: The Black Series version of Luke Skywalker in his classic A New Hope/ farm boy outfit and today I'm checking out the other half of the Skywalker twins: Princess Leia Organa. Like with Luke, the Hasbro Black Series Phase III version of Leia was also released in 2016, utilized soft goods, and hasn't aged well. In fact, it wasn't all that good to begin with. Like with my Phase III Tatooine Luke, I sold that Leia sometime last year as soon as I hear this one was coming. I only purchased two Black Series figures last year, but these two are two iconic and I want the best versions of the classic Original Trilogy characters from each film on my shelf (now we need an updated A New Hope Han!). I actually found Luke at retail but I ordered Princess Leia. I've since seen them both at a couple different GameStop locations, so they're out there for the hunting. I was just looking at my previous review and realized that I published it just 24 days before the passing of Carrie Fisher in late December of 2016. It's crazy to think about that. Since then, Hasbro's Princess Leia figures have really improved as they've been using the face printing technique since then. I'm shocked it's taken eight years to fully revisit this version of Leia (they did offer a repaint of the 2016 figure with the face printing for the 40th anniversary). Ready to check out this much improved version of Princess Leia Organa? Then join me after the break...
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Action Figure Review: Night Ops Senshi from Action Force by Valaverse
Action Force has been one of my favorite action figure lines for the past few years and I'm excited to start 2025 off with a very cool release: Night Ops Senshi. While the standard Senshi figure was a regular release, I held out for this incredibly cool Night Ops version that is exclusive to Big Bad Toy Store. While it was always cool to get martial arts themed figures in G.I. Joe, so often they seemed impractical as they were running around without shirts or shoes, not even carrying a firearm for when things got really nasty. Senshi doesn't have that issue, though. He's wearing a mixture of regular modern combat gear with some samurai themed armor over the top. He's carrying a katana, sure, but he also has a pistol and a submachinegun. Senshi reminds me of what Budo from G.I. Joe could look like in the Classified Series if he was released and not just a straight up redo of the vintage figure. Ready to check out Senshi? Then join me after the break...
Monday, February 24, 2025
Action Figure Review: Dark Avengers Warbird from Marvel Legends Series: Dark Avengers by Hasbro
Just a week or so ago Hasbro Pulse delivered my Dark Avengers Warbird figure right to my door. So, boom, here's my first new Marvel Legends Series figure of 2025. I'm only just passingly familiar with the Dark Avengers, so who is this? The packaging and everything I'm reading says this is the supervillain Moonstone disguised as Carol Danvers, AKA Ms. Marvel. Not sure why they're calling her Warbird here unless Disney/ Marvel doesn't want anyone to use that name except for Kamala Khan, but you know what? I'm going to call her Ms. Marvel. In fact, I'm just straight up using this figure as a classic Ms. Marvel. It's pretty much exactly her second costume (the first had a big cutout and showed off her stomach). Whether you're wanting to build a Dark Avengers team (which Hasbro does seem to be working towards) or you want a classic Carol Danvers, this figure should have you covered. I loved last year's Warbird Carol, so it's nice to get another version of her so soon. By the way, is anyone else just baffled that Hasbro hasn't released a proper comic version of Carol as Captain Marvel since 2015? I have most of the Brie Larson ones, and they're pretty solid, but I want an updated comic version of Captain Marvel, too. She's like the only major Marvel MCU hero who hasn't received an updated comic version of their main look in the past 5 years. Let's check this one out after the break...
Saturday, February 22, 2025
Action Figure Review: Leatherneck from G.I. Joe: Classified Series by Hasbro
Today I'm starting to look at the newest series of G.I. Joe: Classified Series figures from the most recent series to ship and I'm kicking things off with Leatherneck. Leatherneck was a 1986 release in the vintage line and thus was one of the figures I had when I was quite young. General Hawk v2 was my first figure and Sci-Fi was my second, so I either started collecting at the end of 1986 when these guys had been on shelves a bit or in early 1987 before that year's line shipped (I think Hasbro kept the figures in circulation for about 2 years before discontinuing them). Interestingly, three of the four figures from the newest series of releases are based on 1986 releases: Leatherneck, Dial-Tone, and Zandar. (The S.A.W. Viper was a 1990 release, though I was still collecting Joes by then, too.) On Leatherneck's vintage file card there was always a line that stuck out to me: "He is uncouth, opinionated and overbearing. And he has no patience at all with the indecisive, the lazy and the dishonest. Not a man you can like, but one you can trust."
That always has stood out to me as some excellent characterization. Leatherneck isn't really a likeable guy at all but he's a darn fine Marine. Interestingly, the vintage figure looks like it could have easily been a Gung-Ho version 2 at first (there are quite a few figures like that in 1986- Sci-Fi as Flash, Wet-Suit as Torpedo), but it's clear that by the time the figure was created he was a very different character from Gung-Ho despite them being both highly decorated Marines. The Joe team was expanding and needed more than one medic, more than one Marine, more than one SEAL, etc. Ready to check out Leatherneck? Then join me after the break...
Friday, February 21, 2025
Missing in Action: Toyline That Didn't Make the Cut in 2024
Since 2015 I've followed up my Top 10 Toylines of the Year list with Missing in Action (no relation to the Chuck Norris film), a look at what lines made the list in the prior year's best of list but fell off for this year. This is somewhat of a reflective list where I look back at the Top 10 Toylines list from the year before and give my reasoning for why some of the lines from that year failed to return for the current year's list. 2024's top 10 list had five lines returning from 2023's list (2023's also had five returning lines while 2022's top 10 list had seven returning toylines and 2021 only had four returning toylines from the 2020 list). I find it interesting to look at the lines that failed to show up again in order to diagnose why they went missing. It's also fun to make some complaints and whine a bit, which might be part of the reason I enjoy this list so much. There's a lot of piss and vinegar here. There are a few reasons why a toyline might make this list:
Missing in Action: This is a toyline that gets cancelled, ends, or just didn't have any releases during the year. It happens a lot, unfortunately, and often to some of my favorites it seems, though not as much as in the past. There do seem to be more longer running lines today than, say, 10 to 15 years ago.
Demoted: Sometimes a toyline just gets outdone by others. This isn't specifically related to the quality of the demoted line and more reflective of the quality of the lines that supplanted it or of my interest shifting to other things. You can be demoted simply because of my attention shifting elsewhere.
Sunk: This is when a toyline has a severe drop in quality, becomes stale, or suffers an exorbitant price hike that causes it to fall off my radar. While most toylines get better as they go, some do indeed get worse and worse due to cost cutting, mismanagement, and quality control issues. Sometimes the price just outpaces the value, making a once impressive toyline now seem like a shell of its former self.
Let's jump in and check out who went missing in action in 2024 after the break...
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